Pussy Cat Pussy Cat — английская песня-шутка

Текст песни:

Pussy cat, pussy cat

Pussy cat, pussy cat

Pussy cat, pussy cat

Where have you been?

I’ve been to London to

Visit the Queen.

Pussy cat, pussy cat,

What did you do there?

I frightened a little mouse

Under her chair.

Pussy cat, pussy cat

Where did you stay?

I stayed in a hotel at

Oxford Street.

Pussy cat, pussy cat

What did you eat?

I ate scrambled eggs

With some cheese.

Pussy cat, pussy cat

Where did you go?

I went to the museum at

Marylebone Road.

Pussy cat, pussy cat

What happened there?

Shocked to see the mouse

Give me a stare.

Pussy cat, pussy cat

What is your plan?

To live in Mayfair

With a house and lawn.

Pussy cat, pussy cat

How will you do that?

I am gonna marry

The queen of cats.

Bye-bye !

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